25 August 2007

Eight Random Things

Before we head off for the NT, Gledwood has tagged me to do a meme on eight random things about myself. I'm not sure if I've done one of these before. If I have, there may be some repetition so I apologise in advance...

1. I was afflicted with four brothers...two by birth and two by my mother's second marriage. Actually, they're pretty good as brothers go.

2. I'm allergic to crayfish...I found that out when I was about 12, which also means that I can only eat a little bit of crab and Moreton Bay bugs.

3. I have a pretty warped sense of humour, but then you may have already guessed that.

4. I spent the night in the pokey in my early 20s as an arrested protester against the Vietnam war.

5. I enjoy writing and have had one or two bits and pieces published over the last 30 odd years.

6. I don't think I should be saying this and I may regret it, but some of the nicknames I've had over my life range from Toots to Itsy (don't ask!), apart from abbreviations of my first name. The most common one I get is Robbie.

7. I used to get up at 3.30 am and help my ex milk 150 cows (awful job) when we were farming.

8. One of my jobs about 30 years ago was strawberry picking. A backbreaking job but good money and it put me off strawberries for years.

So there you go, Gleds, I hope you're happy...lol! Oh, and if anyone else wishes to share eight random and weird facts about themselves...be my guest.


Andree said...

Never had crayfish; they look like fleas to me and I won't eat a flea.

150 cows is a big farm! I'm sorry about you being off strawberries, but I understand totally. We didn't have any this year because of the wet fields, they all went bad. No blueberries either I have been told and now is blueberry season. A winter without blueberries??

Ramblins of a middle-aged goddess said...

Some of these memes are good because you get to know things about your blogging buddies and this is one of them. Thanks for doing this post!! Hope all is well with you...Sandy

Gattina said...

No thank you I have done this meme already. But yours is very interesting spending a night in prison I would also have done for this cause, lol ! But not anymore for the war now ! and milking cows ! geez what a job !
And then your nickname Robbie made me laugh because each sunday I watch a soap on german TV called "Robbie" and it's a cute seal who safes a lot of people and catches all criminals !BTW if you want to laugh just look at a picture of Arthur on my Keyhole photo blog.

Unknown said...

Incredible! I commend you, Robyn, for the night you spent in the pokey.

Walker said...

Wow Waking up at 3:30 am to milk cow I am not even in bed at that time yet.

Karen said...

I'm impressed that you spent a night in the pokey for a good cause. People with the courage of their convictions (pardon the pun)no matter the consequences have my admiration and respect. Haven't all Aussies got a warped sense of humour??? I thought that was in our DNA :) Good job on the Meme.

Merle said...

Hi Robyn ~~ Enjoyed reading your Random facts. Seems too early to milk cows, it would be dark - my daughter and her husband start about 5:30. Thanks for your comments,glad
you liked the parachute story and jokes. Breast cancer seems to be attacking younger women these days.
I was very lucky. Take care, my friend, Love, Merle.

Andree said...

Oh I have a ton of reading to catch up on here! I shall, when my eyes relax. For now, if you could, please, come here. With all of my appreciation.