27 December 2007

Robyn has made her best efforts to get
the fool computer working!!

Good morning all, this is a NOT ROBYN post, instead I am posting for her to pass on the bad
news that her computer was "Coopered" during Christmas Day celebrations.
It seems the Computer shop is closed until Jan 7 so she is taking a well earned rest for another
week and a bit, her instructions were to let her loyal readers know that she will be back as
soon as she can and to wish you all the very best for the New Year.

Consider it done Robyn.


Karen said...

Oooh I'm sorry to hear that. Good for you for letting us know. Please tell Robyn that I hope she has a very Happy New Year and look forward to seeing her again soon.

rel said...

That cartoon is priceless!!!!
see ya soon.

Andree said...

Love the new look, love the graphic for this. Am catching up, I have to go backwards to see what you've been up to!

Jellyhead said...

Oh NO! Hope the repairs are not too expensive.

Will look forward to more Robyn posts in the New Year (and more photos of Mitzi, of course!)

Ramblins of a middle-aged goddess said...

Boy i will miss you but i am so busy right now myself!! I hope that your NEW YEAR will be a blessed one...Hopefully that computer will get fixed. I hate being without one. I am so blasted ADDICTED!!


Ingrid said...

Your writing twin looks like you with the pistol, lol ! Now I understand why you disappeared suddenly from the Blog scene and I was sooooo curious to see pictures of little Mitzi. Have a nice rest and a happy New Year. If you can come by I published today some pictures of my Christmas in Amsterdam. I can tell you this city is depressing at this time of the year !

Unknown said...

Poor Robyn! I hope the thing gets working or replaced.

Gledwood said...


happy new year to ye mysteriousness

Walker said...

Oh that sucks.
That's what happenes when you let the PC Party.

Happy New Year!!!!

Carole Burant said...

Oh dear, NOT good for you computer to go KAPUT!! We miss you and hope you can get your computer fixed sooner than later! Happy New Year dear Robyn. xoxo

Mountain Mama said...

So sorry! I had to get a new computer last May. It's awful to have to be without. I want to wish her a Happy New Year!

Liz Hinds said...

Flipping computers!

Hoping your New Year is extra-wonderful, Robyn and Mitzi.


Gledwood said...

Hi! I hope the New Year is entertaining you as much if not more than the yukky old one.... onwards and UPwards!!


Ingrid said...

Can't you find another shop which opens earlier ?? Or just buy a new one, lol ! I want to hear (and see) more about Mitzi !!

Anonymous said...

Enjoy your break Robyn! Hope your computer gets up and running soon. Happy New Year!

Anonymous said...

Sorry I hit the enter button too soon anonymous is me :)

Gledwood said...




Ingrid said...

I am sure Mitzi has a boyfriend by now !