Yep, yesterday I officially became a "Senior Citizen" and could collect the government pension. But I'm not going to do least not yet!
I had a lovely day yesterday and before I go any further, thank you all so much for your kind birthday wishes. Peter, I didn't take your advice...Carole, yep...I took yours instead.... And thank you, Renny, for singing me Happy Birthday in Norwegian. Now how many of you have had that? Carole, thank you, too, for singing Happy Birthday to me in! Last but not least, thank you to Merle, who let the cat out of the bag in the first place. I'm still puzzled as to how you found out it was my birthday, Merle...I asked last year, but she was staying quiet about her source of information!
Anyway, yesterday morning, I gave myself a sleep in (I had stayed up until 12.45 the night before watching the Baghdatis/Hewitt tennis match...Lleyton Hewitt won, by the way...Aussie, Aussie, Aussie! Oi! Oi! Oi!). As I was saying, I slept in and at about 7.30 I staggered out into the kitchen, plugged the kettle in, turned to look out the kitchen window and...what the? Have a look at the photo below.

Mischievous Fred had stuck a birthday banner across my window! I giggled and then he popped his head through the gate and invited me to breakfast a little later on. So after having my coffee, I jumped in the shower then feed Mitzi and ambled over at about 8.30. Roger, our neighbour from over the back give me a hug and wished me happy birthday then said he'd like to see Mitzi. Not exactly in those words, though, but this is a G-rated blog so I'm sure you can figure out for yourselves what he said. I brought Mitzi out of the bedroom and he duly admired her, but she wasn't at all impressed...what Mitzi didn't realise was that was going to be the first of about four requests to see her.
Fred had cooked bacon and eggs and Ken had gone to the bakery and bought a loaf of warm bread which, spread with Jane's homemade strawberry jam, was absolutely delicious. They had some gifts for me, too. However, I have a feeling they think I need sweetening up or something. Have a look below.

From Jane, Fred and the boys.
Two packets of dark chocolate Maltesers! (Oh, bliss). A frangipani candle, and a card, which Jane had made. Isn't she clever?

Scotty suggested giving me flowers (he'll go far, that boy), roses and gerberas. He and his little friend Sarah, Wendy and Roger's daughter, asked if they could see Mitzi. So I picked her up from her sleeping place and brought her out to see the kids. I got the feeling Mitzi was a trifle fed up...however, little did she know.

Ken's gift...
more Maltesers
and a packet of macadamia and chocolate shortbread. See what I mean? I obviously need sweetening up...

Ken is an artist and did this little line drawing of a cat on my envelope. He said it was going to be worth a lot of money one day. I replied, but not until he was dead. Artists are only famous after they die (which reminds me, I must get him to sign it...heheh).
A couple of hours later, Suzie, Gabbie and Brooke arrived with this, below...

An Australian saga...I love those, and a "Mum" bone china mug. So I made a cup of tea and we sampled the macadamia and chocolate shortbread. Very nice, too. They wanted to see Mitzi, so I brought her out...she was even less impressed than before.
I had a phone call from Mum and her gift was a couple of pairs of knickers. Aah, but not ordinary knickers...these were made from bamboo fibre. Yes...that's right...bamboo fibre. Apparently it's very cool to wear and silky to the touch...and they do feel lovely and soft. No, I'm not wearing them at the moment...and yes, I am wearing knickers. (Just getting in first...). They're also seamless.
In the afternoon, Toni, Darryl, Anthony and Cooper called in with a $100 gift voucher for Bunnings' and a bottle of pink champagne, which we promptly opened. Toni and I drank that and Darryl and Anthony had a couple of stubbies of Fourex. They, too, wanted to see Mitzi. By this time, Mitzi realised she was going to be disturbed again and tried to escape, but I was too fast for her.
What Mitzi didn't realise (and probably didn't care about, anyway), was that everyone thought she was beautiful...I do like a cat without vanity.
After they had gone, I wondered over to Ken's with a slab of madeira cake which I had made earlier on. Jane and Fred asked if I wanted a glass of wine and I thought, ok, I may as well carry on what I'd already started. Wendy and Roger were there too, so we had an impromptu session of wine and nibbles and at 7.30, I eventually came home.
I was so tired after all that lot, I was in bed by 9.00 pm, but oh, I had a wonderful day!
Wow, you are wealthy with friends! My congratulations! I don't know many people who are as blessed!
I did not know that you had a birthday!! Now I am wondering just what is your age? You say Senior Citizen...we have all kinds of ages here in the US that are considered Senior Citizens. I will be 63 this next month so are you close to me? Just wondering..noisy I know..sorry!!
I want to wish you a happy belated birthday!! I wish that I had known sooner!! Sounds like you had a great day with some great friends. Take care. Sandy
Glad you survived (if groggily) your Birthday.
Well that sounds like a wonderful birthday Robyn. Best wishes for yesterday. So should I assume you love Maltesers? Those macadamia and chocolate shortbreads sound delicious and now I'm yearning for something sweet. Since I gave up the ciggies I am always yearning for something sweet.....:(
Hi Robyn ~~ I have a birthday book for bloggers birthdays and your name is in it. Unless you mentioned it at some stage, I must have got it from Pea. She was asking us all our birthdays a long time ago. Wasn't meant to be a secret. Hope you have recovered and not eaten all those yummy Maltesers yet. Take care, Love, Merle.
Dear me I hope you don't feel too "old"... my only b/day so far that's really made me feel past it is 35... on reflection I spose it's because it marks half my threescore years and ten having pinged on past...
I hope they do give you a pensioner's bus pass and everything and if they do you should bloody well use it it's not as if you haven't paid enough TAX in your life!!!
Happy Birthday =)
Indeed what a wonderful day you had ! that's so nice to have good neighbors who are also friends ! I can imagine your face when you saw the banner, lol ! Now I don't know what the official age is in Australia to be officially retired, probably also 65 like here. I was lucky because when I retired the age for a woman was 60 and for a man 65, now it's for both the same, which is logical too. So everybody admired Mitzi but you are very stingy with pictures of her so that we could admire her too !
I am happy to see you back at COT ! Mitzi's Meows is a very cute name for a blog ! I added it immediately to the blogroll, lol !
I hope I am not too late to send a belated birthday wishes? LOL. Anyway, Happy Belated Birthday to you. By the way, I am new here in the COT group.
I was in stitches when I read about those sweets. They might be a hint to sweeten up your life but watch out for the sugar level :P
I am glad that you had a wonderful day on your birthday :)
We hope that you had a very Hapy Birthday! It sounds like you had a good day. Mitzi is a beautiful cat. Unlike her, we like meeting new people!
Belated Happy Birthday, Robyn! It sounds like you had a wonderful day. I'm so pleased to see you had plenty of Maltesers - a girl after my own heart. That shortbread sounds yummy too.
Have a good year!
Oh what a wet blanket I am.... I am so terribly sorry I missed your birthday poppet! I will give myself some timeout in the corner for being so lousy.
Sending you belated birthday cheer... and popping another malteser in my mouth to celebrate.. heres cheers!
xox Nickers
If you have time just have a look on my cat blog. Rosie and her mice, she really is terrible. I never had such a funny cat.
You sure have alot of good friends and they show it but you have to be a good friend to have friends like these also.
Happy Australia Day Robyn.
very Belated Birthday wishes Robyn. Im sure i commented earlier Blogger must have swallowed it..You have some nice goodies there can I share the Maltesersplease ... hugs ... Jen
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