You may or may not have heard about the disastrous flooding in North Queensland. The small mining town of Emerald was worst hit, with an open cast mine 3 km in length and about 100 metres deep nothing but an inland sea. A gantry had been moved to what was thought to be higher ground where it would be safe. However, it was swept back to its original site by the water.
According to the news last night, approximately 70% of the State is a disaster area. It's going to cost the State and Federal Governments, the cane growers, graziers, shopkeepers and householders billions of dollars to clean up.
Unfortunately some lowlifes did some cleaning up of their own. Looters. One of the most despicable acts another human being can perpetrate on another. Two teenage boys have been charged and taken into custody for their own protection, because the people of Emerald are pretty mad about the whole thing. I hope the police throw the book at these little scumbags.
A house inundated by muddy water.

The Fairbairn Dam, south west of Emerald, overflowing.
Toni rang me the other night pretty upset because her little dog, Charlie, a shi tzu/maltese cross, was in hospital after being bitten by red belly black of the poisonous variety. He was injected with antivenene, which perked him up almost immediately, but then had to stay in hospital to allow the vets to reverse the antivenene. This occurred by flushing his kidneys, otherwise he could have gone into renal failure, being such a small dog. That little exercise set Toni and Darryl back $1,000. However, Charlie is fine, albeit with a price on his head!
Now that the rain has stopped for a while and the sun is out, the snakes are coming out also. Gabbie nearly got bitten the other day, also. She was walking down the back ramp at their place to get a lift to work, when a snake slithered across the ramp and reared at her. She took off at great speed back inside and very gingerly went out the front door. She wasn't sure what type of snake it was, but really wasn't going to hang around and find out, either.
Then Suzie rang me on Monday night saying she had to have a CT brain for a suspected subdural haematoma. She got a knock on the head on Christmas night in the pool and that seems to be the culprit. It never rains but it to speak. (Sorry, bad pun, I know).
So, what with one thing and another, I haven't posted. But you must admit that this post has made up for it...hey?
To all Australians in the Blogosphere, have a great Australia day. The sun is out so we can barbecue, eat, drink and be merry!
I've just heard on the news that one of the doctors I work with, Dr Bill Glasson, has been awarded the Order of Australia for services to medicine. This man is tireless in his work for indigenous and less fortunate people throughout Australia and elsewhere. Well done, Billy Boy!
Hi Robyn ~~ What a time you have had with all those troubles. Just as darn well there is light at the end of the tunnel.
Hopefully the floods have subsided by now, and I agree ~ Looters are the lowest!!
Glad YOU are Ok my friend and hope you are having a great Australia Day.
Take care, Love, Merle.
Wow have had a busy time of it.
Wouldn't it be something if they could work out a way to divert all that excess water from North Qld to places that haven't seen water in years? It hasn't rained here for ages now and everything is dead. I'm sure the farmers who are facing complete ruin would appreciate it too.
Poor little maltese shi tzu. Mine are only 3 kilos each and if a brownie got em they would be history almost immediately. Luckily we have them fenced off from the rest of the property and have snake proofed it as much as we can. They are very precious to us and I'd hate to think of them dying from a snake bite.
Happy Australia Day Robyn and I will have a nice white wine in your honour tonight. Cheers!!
and Justine lost too the first time since quite long ago. I have seen a little bit of this disaster on TV, terrible ! When you mention snakes it is as if you are talking from another planet, because besides our little worms in the garden there are no snakes here and Arthur loves to play with them ! Disgusting !
I saw already on Jeanette's blog that today is you national day. I didn't know that. The only once which is really known of is the 4th of July because of the mess they do about it.
I'm sorry to hear about the flooding and the damage it has caused.
Give the looters brooms and tell them to start cleaning up.
Taking to survive is one thing but for profit is taking advantage of someone elses misfortune.
Have a Happy Australia Day
First off, any mention of snakes and I'd run for cover too. Poor Charlie! Poor thing. Yep, I'd run as fast as I can. I'm happy to hear that she [Gabbie] wasn't bitten. Ewwwww. The rains and flooding looks quite bad. Hope that will soon go away....but no drought either!! Hope Suzie is better soon.
Thanks for the visit.
Well now I see where you have been..busy, busy, busy!! I am about to take off to open up our Curves for the ladies this Saturday morning. It is rainy and cold out today so hubby says. GREAT!! I don't mind working 1 Saturday in the month...Thanks for stopping by even though you have been so busy.
Watch out for those snakes. Sandy
Happy Australia Day to you and your fellow countrymen, dear Robyn:-) I don't watch tennis so I'm afraid none of the names in the Australia Open are familiar to me...I get the feeling, though, that there will be some major upsets! lol
Omigosh, how absolutely terrible to hear of the flooding going on in North Queensland! Mother Nature can certainly be cruel at times!! As for those looters, I always say those kind of people with no conscience should be "hung by the balls and left to hang"...excuse my French! lol Like you, I despise anybody that can take advantage of someone elses grief.
Vet bills have become's getting to a point where people won't be able to afford having a pet! Sigh! Glad to hear that Charlie is fine but wow, that bill!
I do pray that Suzie will be ok...getting any kind of knock on the head can cause so many problems!
Take care my friend and glad to hear that you had a lovely Senior Citizen you!! hehe xoxo
Happy Australia Day Robyn! Ya I couldn't believe Federer was out. Myabe it's time for some new blood.
Yikes, that's a lot of water! I always thought there was a drought in Australia.... but I guess you're right, when it rains it pours.... Glad to hear Charlie's okay. That's a scary thought to have poisonous snakes coming out of the woodwork... stay safe... it's funny coz I just heard on the news that the Australian government was warning Australians to be careful when traveling to Canada because of the dangers of avalanches, bush fires, terrorists, and maple syrup hehe...
Anyways, hope your friend Suzie will be okay too. Take care of yourself and have a great Australia Day! Nermal says purr purr and nudge nudge to you and Mitzi :)
Hi Robyn,
You sure are full of dramatic stories this post - with snakes rearing up and dogs being bitten! I'm glad the little dog was OK in the end.
Hope you're having a very relaxing long weekend!
Happy past-Australia Day to you! Hope it was great. Hope it has come and gone so that I am not embarrassing myself here, too. I can't imagine having snakes like that about. It would make me think only once about going outside and then deciding NO!
Hi Robyn, thank the lord the tennis is finished might be able to get some sleep now, the flooding has been disasterus up North, lake Eyre might fill up in a few months time???
There has ben a lot of flooding in England this last year or so. It must be horrendous to have your home wrecked by filthy water without having the added problem of looters.
And snakes! Oh my, I am so glad we don't have that problem.
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