18 February 2008

Awright...I'm here!

Yeah, I know...I've neglected you all dreadfully, however, sometimes life (in this case, work) gets in the way of blogging. I have been very busy wearing my fingers down to the elbows working on the hundreds (literally) of orthopaedic reports that have taken over my life in the last week. I swear at night, when I was asleep, they went forth and multiplied. I became totally desperate at one stage last week and sent an email to the director and operations manager of my work-from-home stuff, querying if they seriously thought I was going to get through it all on my own. A reply bounced back immediately with abject apologies and letting me know that others were delegated to get through the work as well. Phew...I was very pleased to learn that and it took some of the pressure off.

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I had a phone call from mum in New Zealand yesterday. When I last rang, Harold told me she was in bed sick with a nasty virus. It started off with a very sore throat, progressed to a stuffed head and cough then went to bronchitis. I thought that sounded rather familiar and it was what I came down with two weeks before Christmas. I told Harold to call the doctor and to get her onto antibiotics for the bronchitis immediately.

Anyway, when she rang yesterday, I thought she sounded dreadful but she said she was feeling quite well, although still had a cough. I told her she wasn't allowed to pop her clogs before November, as that's when I was taking Gabbie over for her birthday. So mum said she'd hang around until at least then...most considerate of her.

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When I was at work in the city last week, one of the surgeons was obviously winding down. He is going back to the country in about a month's time and therefore is leaving the practice. Obviously he is really looking forward to leaving the city because on one of his reports, he dictated..."I saw this lady today with an optometrist in her left eye..." He meant cataract. He was having a bad day that day.

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I've been meaning to tell you about Ritchie the galah, too. Remember he never flew and didn't seem to progress as fast as his siblings? Well, there must have been something wrong, because although he was feeding well, both the seed Fred gave him and what his parents fed him, he died several weeks ago. So Fred, Scott and Sarah had a funeral and buried him in the pets' cemetery that is gradually coming into being behind the chook pen.

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Okay, you lot...that's as much as I have time for today...except to say that at the impromptu meeting of the Wine O'Clock Club last evening, we were bemoaning the fact that we didn't win $19 million, or even a tiny part thereof...it's a sad thing.


Unknown said...

I’m glad your mum’s better, even if her voice doesn’t sound as if she is.

I am sorry to hear about Richie’s death.

I’m happy for the doc heading back to where he feels more OK.

Have a grand week!

Peter said...

What a coincidence, I believe I have an optometrist in my eye as well.

Christine and FAZ said...

We're full of coughs and colds here in England too. Germs get everywhere. Only 5 weeks until I land at Brisbane airport. My brother is picking me up and driving me home to Surfers,to my parents house, to celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary. I can't wait as I haven't been home in two years. Christine

Karen said...

Wow you have been busy but glad you popped in to say hi. I love that you have a Wine O'Clock Club. I wish I lived closer and could sign up to be a member....lol.

Sorry to hear about your mum's ill health. There seems to be a lot of that nasty virus going around and I hope she gets better soon.

I was also sorry to hear about little Richie. Poor little thing probably wouldn't have hung on this long if it weren't for the kindness of you guys.

Jeanette said...

OOHH Robyn you are being kept busy with all that paper work. Sorry to hear your Mums been so sick,and very pleased to hear she is on the mend again. Take care Robyn,, Cheers hic hic.. Jen

Mountain Mama said...

I like your remark about 'popping one's clogs' I've never heard it before.
THat nasty virus is going around here too. I didn't have that but had some sort of Sinus thing which I am still taking antibiotic for and thank goodness am feeling much better.
Sorry you didn't win the $19 million. What a disappointment!! I bet you already had it spent too!

Unknown said...

Everybody up North here is reporting the crud. I moved to Arizona just in time!

Ramblins of a middle-aged goddess said...

Robyn, nice to hear from you!! You know that I live in the US so I am not sure what "Pop your clogs" means but i think I know. Maybe you had better let this old lady from the states know what it means!! Smile!! I love the different sayings that you have. I just love reading your post. Hope that Mitzi is doing well. Have a great day!! Sandy

Ingrid said...

Now that also explains that you couldn't be Mitzi's secretary for COT ! I missed her, lol ! Hope it will calm down a little for you. But I can tell you the day you don't work anymore it is very hard to get used to doing nothing ! I mean nobody behind you to ask you this has to be ready for that day. It took me 3 years to learn to be lazy and only doing what I like to do !

Andree said...

Hi Robyn. I see we are both still too busy. We should be lying around and making wise comments about life or something. It's a sad thing about the birdie, I liked him a lot. But its a great thing about your mom! Now you stay well, too. We have the usual snow and ice here (some say more than usual but I see only the usual amount): and I fell today. So I am forced to sit and I don't like it! Have a good week!

Liz Hinds said...

Well, I hope your mum sticks to her word! And then it's Christmas and it would spoil everyone's if she went then, so she'll need to stick around a bit yet.

I'm sure there must be some sort of play on words along the lines of 'Surgeon, first remove the optometrist from your own eye' as in take the log out of your eye before pointing out specks in another's. But that doesn't really work so I sort of wish I hadn't started typing it ...

Liz Hinds said...

I just decided I'd visit a couple fo people on your blogroll: the first 2 were both saying they were going to stop blogging for a while! Was it something you said?

Walker said...

You're already a winner you didn/t need that money, did you? LOL

To bad about the bird.

To much work is not good either, just remember to stop and play to :)

Merle said...

Hi Robyn ~~ Sorry you have been so
busy, but think of the money!!
I do hope your Mum gets over the virus or whatever. Have you heard since how she is? It's a long time until November. Bet Mitzi is growing and bossing you around. Sorry about the bird. Take care, my friend, Love, Merle.