Actually, it's five in the morning, pitch black now, but the kookaburras have been laughing maniacally and the plovers noisily chittering. According to the Indigenous Australians, dawn is 30 minutes after the kookaburras laugh...and it's true. They're really good alarm clocks. I think when they first laugh, it's called the picaninny dawn...I think that's a lovely name for the false dawn.
Anyway, I was up at four, not for any particular reason. I just woke up and didn't feel like going back to sleep. So I thought I'd better do a post.
It's been a strange week, but quite good, although busy. It started on Wednesday after I came home from work, there were a couple of messages on the phone. One in particular was from the practice manager of an orthopaedic clinic I worked for a few years ago. We were supplied a beautiful corporate uniform...three tops, a skirt and two pairs of trousers in my case, but we had to buy our own jackets. Fair wasn't a cheap uniform. When I left, because the jacket had the clinic's logo embroidered on the pocket, it was of no use to me, so I left instructions for it to be sold. This was five years ago and I'd forgotten all about it by now.
Consequently, the phone call was to say my jacket had been sold and would I ring with my bank details. So I did. Anyway, we got to talking about this and that and Tracy (the practice manager) asked me if I was still working from home with the same crowd. I said I was and she asked a few more questions, then we caught up on each other's news and eventually hung up. I never thought any more about it...except that I had an extra $100 from the sale of my jacket to spend, much to my delight. I feel another trip to Bunnings' coming on...
On Friday evening, after work, I opened up my emails and there were a couple from the manager regarding work from home. One was feedback and the other titled "New Client". Now when they pick up more work, an email is sent out to everyone telling them that and explaining how they would like their letters set out, whether client addresses were to be included or not, and various things like that. So that's what I thought it was...until I opened the email.
It was addressed to me alone, along the lines that the orthopaedic practice I used to work for had downloaded R's work, but only on condition that I do it as I know his work. I thought that was rather nice, until I had a look to see how many files there were. I couldn't believe it...three weeks' work! And they had very generously allowed me 48 hours in which to do it all.
I went to bed and dreamed about this work all night. In the end I got up at 4.30 am and made a start. I worked for five hours and knocked over two/thirds of it, did another hour that evening and finished the rest on Sunday morning...nine hours in total. He's a spinal surgeon and if I never hear of a narrowed L5/S1 joint space, it will be too soon.
Then, I had no sooner finished the last letter than Suzie, Gabbie and Brooke arrived and asked if they could use my computer...theirs is kaput...I think the modem got fried by lightning during a storm. She hadn't turned the computer off at the wall. Anyway Suzie is looking for a new place to live and after seeing what was available online and picking two or three likely looking prospects, we went for a drive to see them "live".
The townhouse we all really liked was in a gated community. It had a pool, spa, gym, internal security, onsite manager, yard maintenance, three bedrooms, two bathrooms, dishwasher, drier and washing machine, lock up single garage plus a parking pad and was practically brand new, for $330 per week. That sounds expensive, but another we looked at was just a basic three bedroom townhouse, one bathroom, a pool but with none of the extras the first one had and it was $350 per week. It was pretty tired looking, too.
Fingers crossed that she gets it. Oh, and if you wondered why Harry wasn't in the equation, he now lives in New Zealand with his father and is really happy. Suzie was having a few problems with him...11-year-old boy with a smart mouth and an attitude...he needed his father's influence. They live on the family farm which is rolling countryside and borders the beach. He goes to a small country school, total 400 pupils and around 10 to 15 in a class. Suzie talks to him every few days and he is really happy and, a hard decision to make, a false start but it's all turned out well. Anyway, Harry is coming to Australia next month for Easter and will stay with me for a couple of nights to get together with Mitchell, Scott and Daniel. This is another sunset...the likes of which we haven't seen for a while, having had all the rain we've had. If you click to enlarge, you'll see the lovely cloud formation. We have a lot of trees around our place and considering there was not a lot of light, I think it's come out quite well.
Next week, we're having an "official" meeting of the Wine O'Clock Club to discuss how we're going to spend $19 million...I'll let you know what we decide...
As a Prelude .....
13 years ago
Nice sunset! I'm partial to them as well.
You've had quite a full schedule from your work at home job. Still and all the travel or lack there of is a plus. $330 a week? That's like city prices here in the states.
Of course we talk in terms of monthly rent, but still....I can rent a house here-abouts for 600 a month and that comes with a pool.
That is ONE beautiful sunset. I love 'em both myself...sunrises and sunset. But oh, boy howdy, just look at the vivid colors in this photo would you? Stunning!!!
Thanks for the birthday wishes you left in my comments!!!!!
Hi Robyn, sure am glad I'm not in today's rental market, but then I don't receive today's salary either,
perhaps that would make it work out?
I think it was last week for Fun Monday we had to make a list of what we want to do before we die (very funny indeed) Now I regret that I didn't make at least one wish, waking up with the laughter of a kookaburra ! That would be something ! It's a pity that there is no "Rent-a-kookaburra" service here ! I feel OK again, my coughing is better with me it's always the same or I die or I jump around. Nothing in the middle ! So Harry is again with his father I remember that last time it didn't work, most important is that he is happy now.
Hi Robyn ~~ Congrats on your early start and getting the work done.
Love the photo. Glad you got a surprise bonus on the sale of your uniform. I am very fond of
Kookaburras - love their laughter and the colours of their wing feathers.
I often see one or two in the trees around here. Glad you were pleased with the Young at Heart award.
Take care, my friend, Love, Merle.
I would love a work at home job Robyn but don't you also go into the practice sometimes? Glad you got it all finished and it certainly is flattering when they request you specifically to do the work for them. A bit of a feather in your cap.
Aren't rentals expensive these days? The last place I rented was 10 years ago and it was a 4 bedroom house with an office out the back and an enormous attached garage - $150 per week. Glad I'm a home owner now thats for sure.
I know it's not possible but still one of my dreams is to wake up to the kookaburras singing.
I also dream about winning the Lottery which would make the kookaburras a possibility but in order to do that, I have to buy a ticket.
Oh well.
You've been busy but know you appreciate the extra revenue.
Robyn, i love this picture especially when you enlarge it!! Wonderful!!
I guess you must be very very good at your job to be PICKED to do all of that work!! I wish that I could get something to do and stay at home like you do. I would love it.
Hope your week is going great so far.
I have something for you on my Tuesday blog.
Very nice sunset.
Must be nice waking up to the sound of birds.
Alot better than ambulences and cop cars
don't you remember?? I AM HOW YOU SPEND THE 19 MILLION! Now, you promised. And I remember you promised. I expect you to be honorable.
And I don't know whether to congratulate you on the new job or not! You are in high demand but it can get inconvenient, too! But congratulations!
At least the spinal surgeon should be handy and obliging if you get RSI!
Good news that Harry is happy and settled. I remember him going. You'll be pleased to see him over Easter though!
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