05 February 2008

Tell me why...

Cats think that making the bed or changing the sheets is a game invented especially for them. All the cats I've had think that. Mitzi loves to take a flying leap when I flip clean sheets onto the bed...Oscar was the same. They would be nowhere in sight, but as soon as I start to either make the bed or put clean sheets on...they're there!

Why cats seem to think that what you have to eat or drink is much better than what they've got? I decided to have a glass of wine...Mitzi was very intrigued. I remember Oscar at the same age...then, I was drinking red wine and he was very partial to that.

Why I cannot move, go anywhere or do anything without a cat dogging (?) my footsteps? Is it because they think they're dogs or maybe because I treat them like dogs...I have always whistled my cats to come...and they do.

I give up...


Walker said...

I think they stay close so that if you open a can they could be there first

Meow (aka Connie) said...

Hmmm, it appears all cats are the same.
My Bambi even likes to sleep under the doonah, and gets most upset when I move it to shake it to make it !!
My last cat, Ratbag, almost came a cropper, when I was vigorously shaking out the doonah, up and down, and he jumped underneath ... I almost thumped him with my hands as the doonah came down ...silly kitty !!!
Hope you are well.
Take care, Meow

Anonymous said...

Lol my Boots likes to sleep in clean ironing...and the towel drawer, as soon as my back is turned she's there.

Ingrid said...

and did Mitzi try the wine ?? Arthur used to sneeze and run away he probably is a member of the AA ! Here too it's a show when I change bedsheets !

Deana said...

I like your glasses. Mine rarely come to get in my stuff anymore except cereal. I give them the left over milk right out of the bowl sometimes and they are very happy.

Jan Parrish said...

Cleo comes when she's called, too. That's another cool thing about her.

Liz Hinds said...

She has got such a sweet face!

GAB said...

I always wondered the same thing my self. Try going to the bathroom and two cats come in with you. Now it wouldnt be so bad but our one and only bathroom in this house is as about as big as a closet which means they are pretty much sitting on your lap as you go potty! Not only do I say come and they come but I talk to them almost to the point of fully expecting an answer! lol

Merle said...

Dear Robyn ~~ You have a constant companion in Mitzi and it seems cats
are all the same. I have passed on an award to you on my blog. Enjoy.
Take care, Love, Merle.

Peter said...

Dog-gone it you have a tough life Robyn.

Ramblins of a middle-aged goddess said...

i am so happy that you got Mitzi!! I knew that when Oscar left that you needed another cat if just for you!! We love Annie here and keep saying she will be the LAST ONE!! I am not sure about that. Hubby loves her as much as I do.
Mitzi is so cute!! Don't you love the company she gives to you? Sandy

Andree said...

Mitzi, I see, has great catitude! And she is a lady on top of that! You are a lucky lady to have such a beauty and companion.