25 February 2008

Wildlife Around our Place

This is a St Andrew's cross spider. If you click and enlarge, you can see the "Cross" in her web. I like the way she sits in her web so neatly...legs together in pairs so she looks as if she only has four legs rather than eight.

A bearded dragon sunning himself on the soccer goal post. He's quite a big one and roams all around the lawn and the garden. They're harmless critters and obviously our environment is to his liking (no pesticides, etc). We also have a lot of frogs and that also points to a good environment locally.


Walker said...

The spider almost looks like a bat the way its sitting there.
The dragon may be and look harmless but I don't want it near my cat LOL

Ingrid said...

Ewww, and you show me these beasts for my morning coffee ! The little dragon is OK but thank you for the spider. The dragon looks quite big, too big for Mitzi to play with !
How is she btw ??

Merle said...

Hi Robyn ~~ Such friendly little things around your place!!! Thanks for your visit and glad you got a laughs. I hope you are having a better day. Take care, Love, Merle.

Anonymous said...

What wicked wildlife to have in your backyard Robyn! That's so interesting how that spider weaves its web like that. I don't know if I would be so calm if I saw a bearded dragon hanging around my backyard though, but if you say they're harmless then I'd probably try and get a closer look :D

Jeanette said...

Hi Robyn, ZI enlarged to have a good look at the critters in your garden eeewwwwwww..

Ramblins of a middle-aged goddess said...

Robyn, Hello and good morning here but probably night or the next day there!! Great critters that you have their in your backyard!! We have some critters but not that large...How is Mitzi doing? You have not talked about her in a while. All is fine here. We are leaving this weekend to go back to Illinois to help our daughter put in a kitchen. We are going to very very cold and snowy weather..UGH!!


Carole Burant said...

Ahem...you really think I'm gonna enlarge that picture of the spider???? lol I got shivers just seeing it in small form! That's the one thing I love about winter...no spiders around! lol I find it so fascinating the different types of insects, animals, etc. that you have from us here in Canada! Hope you're keeping well my friend. xoxo

Andree said...


Those are awful! (awful beasts, not awful photos. unfortunately your photos were great so I saw them clearly. next time make them blurry and unseeable, ok?)

You live with those things?? Give me bears and coyotes and bobcats any old day!!

I think I would not go outside there until winter when hopefully they disappear.

Gledwood said...

How weird: I saw a spider sitting in precisely the same cross formation on a British blog. One look said "poisonous!" (at least by local standards...) it did indeed turn out to be a "wasp spider" ... what a comforting name!

Gledwood said...

Is that any relative of the condom dragon.//Commodore dragon.//Condominium dragon? Whatever it's called.

Lizards look cute. But I still don't get people who keep those dinosaur iguana things as pets... I mean they're not a patch on tubby furry roborovskis... haha!