21 October 2009

No, I Haven't Been Ignoring You...

I've had no computer because mine gave up the ghost and died...so I duly interred it and adopted a new one. It's a tiny little thing called an Acer Emachine...really cool it is.

However, my computer wasn't the only thing that died over the last few days. The airconditioner refused to turn on and my car had a slight glitch, too. Talk about things coming in threes...I thought it was all going to be very expensive, but no. All up, under $1,000. Not too bad, thank goodness.

The computer cost me $560 plus $77 to transfer the data...I wasn't game to do that. The car...well that needed a new handbrake adjuster and spring, $142, and the airconditioner is under warranty. As yet, we're not sure what's wrong with the aircon (and for those doubting Thomases, the remote control batteries were the first thing I checked!). Apparently there have been a lot of problems for people this year with geckoes getting in and tapdancing along the motherboard, thus fusing things. Unfortunately the warranty doesn't cover the geckoes' shenanigans, but insurance does.

Anyway, I'll get around to visiting you over the next few days. See you then.


Cindy said...

Problems do come in threes. Good thing it's now over.

Boo-Bah AKA Iris said...

It's like that old saying, "When it rains it pours."


Liz Hinds said...

Ooh, a bit painful on the pocket!

Anonymous said...

I can somewhat relate with problems that come in threes and sometimes they come in droves.

Mia Celeste said...

Sorry to hear about your computer troubles.

Peter said...

Is the Acer eMachine like the iMac with everything built into the monitor?
Vicki brought my iMac with her but I haven't spent much time on it yet.

Ingrid said...

Ah ! that's why you disappeared from the scene ! Just yesterday I thought I have to ask what happened to you. I too have a emachine, I think it must be the same, if you look in my header on Writer Cramps you can see it. I bought it one month ago, because I found the screen of my laptop too small for what I am doing now (more photos) I am very happy with it and it doesn't take a lot of space because it has no tower. I payed 400 € that must be probably the same price.
An aircondition I certainly don't need now, we just put the heating on, lol !

Angelo said...

Hey Robyn, sorry to hear about the computer troubles, but laptops these days are awesome! They're so light and portable and most are wi-fi ready. Maybe we'll be reading some mobile blogging from you from time to time now? Anyways, good luck with the new computer and with the photography too. Cheers!

RennyBA's Terella said...

Something like Murphy's law, isn't it :-)

Btw: Glad you are planning for the trip and I'm so much looking forward to see you at the Oslo Blog Gathering 2010!

Merle said...

Hi Robyn ~~ I am sorry you have had so many problems and hope that is all for now. I had a great weekend with Kathy and 4 of her 5 kids and as it was her 48th birthday we all went out for a nice meal, I had invited a school friend of hers to come and that really paid off. They hardly stopped talking to eat. And my elder son John and his girlfriend
so there was quite a few of us.
Previously all the visitors I expected had cancelled, because of illness etc. But this was a terrific visit. Take care my friend, Love, Merle.

TorAa said...

It's all well that's ends well.

Lifecruiser said...

That is my ultimate nightmare, that my comp would die on me.... phew!

I'm glad you got it fixed!