14 June 2010

A Brush WIth the Law and Do I Have a Cold or Don't I?

Life is very interesting, but some days it's more interesting than others.

Take yesterday, f'rinstance.  It's a beautiful Sunday morning, the middle day of a three day long weekend.  I decide to go to our local shops about 5 or 6 km away to get a few bits and pieces...notably some cough drops, but I'll come to those later.  As I drove in, I noticed a police car to my right with its red and blue roof lights on, and another car.  Someone's been caught, I thought to myself.  I drove on, noticed that the first of the two carparks was fairly empty and drove in...right under police crime scene tape.

"@#%^*@!!!!" I said, "now what?"  I looked up and saw a copper coming towards me shaking his head.  I also noticed why the carpark was empty, apart from several police cars and two forensic units.  I opened the car door as the copper came over and apologised rather sheepishly.

"I just didn't see it." I explained.

"You didn't see it?"  He sounded rather astonished.

"Hey," I replied, "I didn't expect our quiet little shopping village to be crawling with you blokes on a Sunday morning.  It's not usual round here."

He held up the tape for me to back out.  Just at that time everyone else decided they wanted to leave or enter the shopping village...I must take the tell tale transfers off the back window...my car is far too conspicuous.

It's amazing how strong that tape is.  I mean I barrel through it and it didn't even give, let alone break.  Anyway, the reason why the place was knee deep in coppers was because some idiots tried to blow up the two ATMs...

* * * * * * *

Now for the cough drops.  I've been sniffling and sneezing with sinus and allergies for the past two or three days...so I thought.  It felt as if someone had punched my head and nose and my eyes felt twice their size...but I felt worse than usual and I was starting to cough.  I mean I do have asthma so coughing is not unusual, but this was a different cough.  

I tried antihistamines with no luck.  I steamed my head over a basin of eucalyptus and hot water.  That didn't make much difference, either.

I was whinging to Jane about bloody allergies not really noticing that she was giving me strange looks.  She then said to me,

"Have you thought that you might have a cold?".  

Now I don't get colds.  In fact, I can't remember the last time I had a cold.  But, it made sense and it explained why I was feeling so lousy.  It's also the reason why I drove under the police tape...well, that's my story and I'm sticking to it...


Gattina said...

That's a thing which would be quiet normal to happen to me, driving into a crime scene, lol ! But there would have been at least one corpse, as I don't know what an ATM is. (Apple Tree mast ?)
As for the cold, it looks logical !

Angelo said...

Now that's an interesting Sunday morning Robyn.... terrorists suck hehe... but seriously terrorists suck...

I hope that you're feeling better, I've been fighting a sore throat and fevers myself for the past few days. Take care and get well soon!

Liz Hinds said...

Just an average day in your neck of the woods then?

Mountain Mama said...

That's a little too much excitement for me!! And a cold too. You poor girl!
I hope you are well soon.

Hootin Anni said...

Tell Gattina that ATM is A TANTALIZING MAIDEN...breaking through the police tape to see what the heck is going on...even tho she proclaims to not have see the tape in the first place.

You siren you!!!

Merle said...

Hi Robyn ~~ Fancy driving in to a police taped area -- they didn't
breathylise you did they?
I hope your cold has left the area
They can make you miserable. I seldom get a cold, much like you.
Thanks for your comments and I hope you never get any skin cancers, I never sun-baked or went out in the hot sun either. Whereas John worked out in it. Take care of yourself my friend and feel better soon. Love, Merle.

Alice said...

I hope the cold disappears quickly ..... we can't have you being inadvertently locked up by the police, can we?

Peter said...

I've been that drunk too!!!

Anonymous said...

I've been to a lot of crime scenes due to my job once as a paramedic. Mostly it's murder related. But anyway ATM are those automated teller machines right? Get well soon from your cold! TC from Norway!

Tinsie said...

It's a good story, oh yes :-)

Merle said...

Hi again Robyn ~ I hope you are feeling much better by now. Thank you
for your sympathy on the loss of my cousin. He knew this was coming and
both he and his wife took it extremely well and just kept on with
their lives, so cheerfully.
Take care my friend, I am OK and keeping warm. Love, Merle.

Liz Hinds said...

Oh! I've read this before! I just came to comment not remembering I had already.

I wonder if I have a cold too ...

Unknown said...

Have you taken your body temperature, Kat? That's one way to separate clods from allergies.

As for the crime scene, I think you ought to send it to the CSI writers. It would give an episode some comic relief.

Gledwood said...

It's a bit of a weird time of year to be getting sinus probs... or maybe it's just winter getting to ya. I hope they piss off soon!

Walker said...

You;re just a rebel out for wreck havoc on every crimes scene you find