08 December 2006

Christmas in Australia and other things

Here's a good website for overseas readers if they want to know more about Christmas in Australia - http://christmas.best-australian.com/
It's been cooler here and we had some rain yesterday! It came at a rather coincidental time. We had the excavator here digging the holes for our below ground water tanks, however as the tanks weren't actually installed at that time, it was a bit over-enthusiastic!
Anyway, our three tanks are well inserted (66,000 litres of water all up - when it rains!), the pumps were delivered this morning. However, because of the rush on tanks, we can't get the plumbing for them done until after Christmas! Still, at least it's a start - and do you know the funniest thing? Fred had to get two truckloads of water delivered to put in the tanks to prevent them popping out of the ground. How's that for quantum physics!
The plans for our "do" tomorrow night are going well, my phone has been ringing off the wall from friends checking the address, asking if we wanted them to bring anything else other than their drinks and a couple of sorries that they won't be able to come. I went shopping yesterday and felt very pleased that I had bought all the bits and pieces needed, but when I was putting them away realised I had forgotten french onion soup for a dip, avocadoes for guacomole and vegetables as dippers! D'oh! So I have to go out again today, because I also forgot my yoghurt and some fish for dinner tonight. Oh well...sigh.
When I was at Grand Plaza yesterday, looking for a secret Santa gift, I heard a voice calling out "Nanny! Nanny!" I didn't take any notice until my beautiful granddaughter, Gabbie, whirled up to me and gave me a big hug. School has finished for the year and she was out shopping with a couple of girlfriends. I adore my grandchildren and it's so lovely to see them unexpectedly.
My eldest grandson, Nic, has flown out to Holland this morning to spend Christmas with his fiancee-to-be and her parents. I say fiancee-to-be because he has taken an engagement ring with him. It's all very exciting, so when I hear, I'll let you know what her reaction was.
I've got my overseas stuff posted - it's Mum's birthday on 15 December, so I posted her present yesterday and I'll send their Christmas hamper off on Monday and that's the end of the overseas stuff. I feel very pleased that I'm so organised for once!
That's it for the moment, I've got to go and battle the hordes at the supermarket now- wish me luck!!


Merle said...

Hi Robyn ~ I hope your pre Christmas party is a great success and you all have lots of fun. You are so well organised for this time of year. I did about half my cards last night, hope to finish today or later tonight. Glad you have your tanks installed, now hope for rain, strange
having to buy water to stabilise them
Thanks for your comments, as you say, all this madness will be over soon.
Take care dear friend, Love, Merle.

Granny said...

I haven't been here in a while and no excuse. Maybe you haven't come up on bloglines and I've been chatting in email instead.

Thanks for your comment and your kindness. At first I thought about not writing but it seems to help, at least for now.



Meow (aka Connie) said...

Hope your party goes well. I don't think I could cope with a party here, on top of all the stuff I have been doing. Thank goodness I now have time to shop and (hopefully) write some cards tomorrow.
Have a fabulous weekend.
Take care, Meow

TJ said...

Guess what Hubby and son brought home last night??
Have you guessed?
I bet not...kittens...two male!!
So far so good but I may need to email you with kitty care questions!!
Good luck at the grocery, be kind and patient and good!!

DellaB said...

Hi Robyn,
The SE Queensland pics are great, thanks, don't we just live in the most beautiful place?

Hope your 'do' goes well, bugger about forgetting things, I don't dare shop without a list these days, (specially for party stuff), I keep a list on the kitchen wall and tick things as I use the last of them.

I read somewhere that if you put 'purchased' water in your tanks, then you have to 'obey' the water restrictions - do you know more about that?

Today we are going to a 'family' pre-christmas lunch - son Craig and wife have to stay in Sydney at Christmas time, they cannot get leave from the casino where they both work, so her mother has organised lunch for them while they are here, at the Currumbin RSL, for about 20 people, their family and extended family - it's a great location and we are looking forward to it. Specially since I haven't had to do any of the organising!

Good luck for tonight!

Lee said...

Damn, Robyn...I've lost the address for the party! ;) Have a ball! I don't envy you out battling the madding crowds this morning. I shot up to the IGA supermarket here earlier this morning. Luckily, it never gets too hectic up here...that's one of the things I love about the mountain.

Carole Burant said...

You're like me, I can go to the supermarket and forget something every time! lol The very best of luck at your party but I'm sure you'll all have a wonderful time!! xoxo

Liz Hinds said...

Loking forward to seeing some photos and hearing the report on the party.

My son got engaged in November. He too had bought a ring sometime before he proposed, and we were on tenterhooks waiting for 'the news'.

SnowWhite said...

Hi sweet cheeks, sorry not been around much just have been rushed off my feet, but am slowly catching up now lol, hope all good with you and yours this hot weather is killing me lol.

Meow (aka Connie) said...

Hi Robyn, Hope you are well. I finally figured out how to post to Beta-Blogs ... don't know what I did, but it works !!
Hope your week is going well.
Take care, Meow