11 January 2008

Another Look at the Garden

The first three photos are of various fungi that are sprouting up at the moment.

What does this one remind you of? (snigger). It attracts flies...so I'm told.

Although these look white, they're actually a creamy colour.

Here are some more...not sure what they are.

This is one of the many ornamental gingers that abound in Queensland.
After all the rain we've had (and are still getting, by the way), everything is the normal lushness of the subtropics. It's so wonderful to see, especially after years of drought. People are not used to what is actually normal summer weather for us and have become complacent, which meant that those caught in flash flooding who had not cached away any stores of food or medication, had to have emergency drops of provisions. Take nothing for granted, least of all the weather.


Carole Burant said...

That first one reminds me exactly of what it reminds you! LOL Welcome back, dear Robyn, I sure missed you!! I so enjoyed reading about your Christmas and glad that you had such a wonderful time with your family. Mitzi is so adorable...look at that face! She also looks mischievous! hehe Sounds like she keeps you on your toes...love the nickname you gave her. lol xox

Walker said...

With the world climate being as freaky as it has been you can't take anything for granted any more.

Ramblins of a middle-aged goddess said...

Well that is an odd fungus and yes i see what you mean!! How gross!! Go step on it!! smile...So glad that you are getting rain. I would think you really need it. WE are supposed to have some coming in tomorrow too. The weather has been beautiful here. i sat out of the front porch to read this afternoon and promptly fell asleep with Annie in my lap!! Very comfy. Sandy

Karen said...

The first pic looks like a corn cob, that's what you meant right?

It's freaky that you are having so much rain and yet down here it's as dry and arid as the desert. It's so depressing watching everything in the garden die.

rel said...

Take nothing for granted.....No truer words can ever be spoken!

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

That ginger is very pretty! Weather patterns these days are strange. This year and last year Munich has had very mild winters, whereas the year before that, they had record snowfalls!

Ingrid said...

Fungis !!! I wanted to see Mitzi, lol !
BTW I have two middle names, my father's sister and my mother's sister. Erna & Ruth, lol !

Unknown said...

Lovely! I must get out more into Nature. Well, maybe I'll await Spring in this part of the world.

Andree said...

wow, you must be having rain if it requires air drops! I have to catch up (and I am!) . . . I'm glad to see your computer got fixed.

Jeanette said...

Hi Robyn, Hahaha to the first pic Yep I can guess what it looks like.
You sure got a lot of rain up your way,we had a few drops the other day but it dried before it hit the ground, we were all sitting on the back patio and felt a drop it was gone while we were thinking of moving in under the veranda lol.. Jen

Anonymous said...

Can you eat those mushrooms? So that's what ginger looks like eh?

SnowWhite said...

you really are a fungi to be with Robyn lol, sorry couldn't let that one go by lol, we have mushies all over our property to. But loving the rain. Glad to see you survived Christmas and new year. May the best of 2007 be the worst of your 2008.