26 July 2008

Lookit I Got!

Thanks to Liz of Finding Life Hard (tales of Liz and her dog, George) here. Yes, I did find it, Liz. Funny you should wonder if Jane and I had been on the wine...

We had a great evening last night. Jane's brothers are here. Scott and Pat, his wife, and their son, Ken, are here for a month from Phuket in Thailand. Roger has moved up from Ballarat, away from the bitter cold to the relative warmth of Queensland. Anyway, last night we had Wine O'Clock and dinner was fish'n'chips. We had the wine, Scott had beer. Roger, our neighbour from the back came over and we had a lovely time.

But...after a wine/beer or three Scott and Roger had us rolling on the floor with laughter doing their Frank Spencer impressions. They were so good...really sounded like the hapless Frank, but they were also verbally bouncing off one another. It was one of those occasions where you had to be there...don't you hate it when someone says that?

Back to the award...the rules are:

1.Put the logo on your blog;

2.Add a link to the person who awarded it to you;

3.Nominate at least seven other blogs;

4.Add links to them on your blog;

5.Leave a message for your nominee on their blogs.

So, to nominate my seven, and you can link to these by clicking on the names below.


Anonymous said...

First of all, you really deserve that award!

Then I fell honoured and flattered by the fact that you pass it over too - thanks Robyn! (you might like to link those bloggers too?)

TorAa said...

You are a Win(n)er - no doubt.

Liz Hinds said...

Sounds like you had a good time!

Walker said...

Congrats on getting the award and thank you for thinking of me.

Sounds like a fun time was had by all.
The best entertainment of from ones friends and even better after a few pints or glasses of nectar

Merle said...

Dear Robyn ~~ Congrats on the Award, and many thanks for passing it on to me. Sounds like you and your neighbours had a great time together.
I hope it isn't too cold for you -
that's what we have here most days -
3 layers and the heater on. Glad you enjoyed the jokes etc. Take care, Love, Merle.

Peter said...

What I want to know Robyn is, were you drunk when you gave out those awards? if not how the hell did I get one for a Brillante Weblog??

Gattina said...

Thank you for the award ! That's very cute to have thought of me !
Now I am in the laundry, lol !

Jeanette said...

Gday Robyn, Congrats on your award.. Sounds like you had a great wine Oclock, enjoy your visitors.. take care

Ramblins of a middle-aged goddess said...

Sounds like you had a pretty good time with Jane and her family!! What out..don't have too good of a time..smile. Sandy

Anonymous said...

I love Frank Spencer. I used to roll around on the floor to his antics as well.

I'm off to check out your recommendations. xox

Merle said...

Dear Robyn ~~ Thanks for your comments. You can still read Olive's
blob and Mike has written about her funeral. The correct address is on the photo I posted last night or from my blogroll. Glad you liked my fairy light. I'll ask Kathy where she got it, probably from a nursery. Glad you liked the jokes. I still have to pass on the award, will do it soon. Enjoy
what's left of July !! Love, Merle.

Anonymous said...

I have not forgotten this dear blog friend. I've listed this award on my Award site now!

Anonymous said...

... and then finally I posted my collection of this wonderful Award!