13 October 2009

A Pictorial Explanation of What I've Been Doing

It's been a pretty busy week so I thought I'd show you rather than tell you about it. First...

Halleluia! We actually had some rain! This had a bit of hail in it, if you enlarge the pic you'll see it.

Look how tame the kookaburras are. That's Ken sitting there...he'd just fed them, but they were hoping for more. By the way, no zoom was used on this pic. This is how close I was standing to them.

On Sunday I had a Body Shop party...lots of lovely goodies and all natural, with no animal experimentation. Here is Jacqui having her make up cleaned off by Linda, in preparation for a make over.

A table full of goodies for us to buy...and we did! If you look closer, there are wine glasses throughout the goodies, too...well, it was a wet and cold day, what else should we do?

Then I went out into the garden...this is an ornamental ginger. The red part is actually quite stiff and waxy and puts out this yellow flower. Quite unusual.

My glorious Jacobean lily...I just love these flowers, they're so spectacular.

So that's been some of my week. I've also been to the hairdresser to have a hair cut. Today I took Ken up to the doctor to get the all clear for his cataract surgery on Thursday. He'd had a slight sinus infection and he was checked to ensure it was all clear. Then, of course, I've been doing my usual work. I'll get around to visiting you all over the next few days...okay?


Ingrid said...

They are really very social these kookaburras, did they laugh after eating ? A beauty party reminds me of the tupperwear parties women did in the 80th, lol ! I prefer beauty though.
This flower is amazing ! Looks almost artificial ! Never seen such.

Boo-Bah AKA Iris said...

The birds are so beautiful. All the pictures were wonderful.


Carole Burant said...

That's great that you guys got some rain! Guess what I woke up to this morning? Yup, a white world. Sigh. It's all gone now but what a shock to see on Oct. 13th!!

Wow, look at those kookaburras, I love it when birds aren't scared like that.

Looks like your Body Shop party was a lot of fun. I didn't realize they do house parties, will have to find out if they do here.

Those flowers are just gorgeous and so unusual! I love how exotic the flowers in Australia are.

Make sure you drop by my blog today, you're there dressed up in a little faerie costume! hehe xoxo

Cindy said...

How exciting the birds were so close! Beautiful pictures


I love those flowers so different
from here and the Kookaburras just sitting there... wow what a picture!
:) Have a fabulous day!

Jack K. said...

Methinks the birds were after the Corona. After all, a cold beer goes well with just about any food.

Beauty, wine, goodies to buy, how much better can life be?

From my perspective, Jacqui doesn't have much need for a beauty makeover. She is stunning without it.

Tinsie said...

Those are some strange-looking flowers and birds, well to me anyway! The Body Shop party sounds like good fun :-)

Hootin Anni said...

Glad to hear you rec'd some rain. I know what that is like, we went ALL summer without any. And those birds.....so so fascinating. What do you feed them?

And I want one of those lilies. Gorgeous.

Mountain Mama said...

Your flowers are so pretty!! The Jacobean lily is very unusual. I've never seen one.

We are having fall here and today was windy and rainy. I like watching the golden yellow leaves of the wild cherry trees blowing through the sky while I am in my warm little house.
I hope the cataract surgery goes well.

Alice said...

Those kookaburras are certainly fearless. I hope they sang/laughed for their supper.

That Jacobean lily is stunningly beautiful.

I hope Ken's surgery is completely successful and he recovers without any dramas.

Angelo said...

That is so cool how close those kookaburras come up to you! Great job with your flower photography, you must be using your macro settings coz they're looking sharp! I hope Ken's surgery goes well. Cheers Robyn!

RennyBA's Terella said...

Sounds like you've had great fun lately - that's great!

Of course I know you have spring and so the Jacobean lily is so beautiful!

Btw: I'm sorry I have not been around that much lately, but have been working hard to find a way so that we could meet. Now It's official and I've planned hard for it: Oslo Blog Gathering 2010 - I do hope you can come and also encourage your other blog friends to participate!

Lifecruiser said...

Wow. I love all kind of birds. Especially if you can get them a bit tame like those. So much fun.

The Jacobean lily is gorgeous!!!!