22 January 2010

Dinner on the Lawn and P Day Tomorrow

Last week we had a lovely dinner on the lawn cooked by Jane's brother, Roger, who's a chef, with his friend, Naomi, as the apprentice.  It was a lovely surprise and as I'd had an awful day fighting with my phone and broadband provider (that's another story), I was ready for something nice to happen.

Anyway, Roger and Nomes disappeared out for a couple of hours and came back with grocery bags with interesting looking things inside.  The weather was beautiful and warm although there was a stiff breeze which dropped about an hour later.  I anchored the tablecloth to the table with clothes pegs.

There were delicious smells coming from the kitchen, a couple of bottles of Chardonnay chilling and hungry people drooling.

First, there were nibbles of chips and dip and then a prawn entree.  Unfortunately, I didn't get any photos of the main course (I was too busy eating it), but Roger had bought two red emperor, scaled and gutted them and baked them in the oven with herbs.  With that we had various salads...green, coleslaw and pasta...yummm.

Dessert was tropical fruit salad with ice cream.  It was a beautiful meal and we sat around the candle lit table talking until about 10 pm.   Needless to say, there weren't any leftovers.

Ebony guarding the table...just in case.

Roger and Nomes doing their chef thing.

Ken waiting for dinner and having a chat with Naomi.

The prawn cocktail served in 60 year old crystal...I'm sure that added to the taste.

Dinner time... (L to R) Jane, Fred, Ken and Roger.

A special guest was Naomi's little Pomeranian named  Major Happyfeet.  He looks like a little fox...I thought Basil Brush would have been a perfect name.

Tomorrow night is my big birthday bash...I can't believe it's arrived (well, almost).  I've done everything except fhe nibbles which I will slice, dice and prepare  tomorrow, as well as clean the house...sigh.  I went up and filled in the Party Safe form at the Police station...they wanted to come, too....and not as part of the job!  Especially when they heard there was going to be a live band.

We have a lot of hoons up and down our road.  Because it's about 4 km long, for them it's a great place to do burn outs and donuts.  Although we live up a very long driveway and the house can't be seen from the road, I wasn't taking any chances and decided to let the police know about the party.  That way they can come quickly if we need them to.  I'm  not anticipating any trouble but I'd rather be prepared.

I wish you all could come...but I know you'll be there in spirit (or spirits?).  I'll put up a post and photos when I recover...


Ingrid said...

I am so jalous when I see your party pictures ! One day I will come over ! I herewith invite myself !!
and now your birthday party ! When is your birthday exactly or did I miss something ? We too tell the police if it could get late because legally you are not allowed to make loud music after 10 pm and a party mostly starts only at that time. Naughty neighbors can't do anything then. Fortunately we don't have any, lol !

Jack K. said...

What a great time. Thanks for sharing. As I recall, age is only a number and another reason to get together to celebrate life with good friends and family.

Keeping on good terms with law enforcement is always a good idea. That comes from a retired Military Police officer. chuckle.

(see photo at the left.)

RennyBA's Terella said...

What a lovely gathering and garden party and yummy food (and drinks of course!).

Looking at the prawn cocktail made my moth watering - but then again I'm a Norwegian :-)

Wishing you the most wonderful celebration tomorrow and of course I'll be with you both in spirit and spirits! :-)

Btw: Hope you got my reply note about prices for the Oslo Blog Gathering?

Angelo said...

Happy Happy Birthday to you Robyn! I hope the big bash later today is a blast. Looks like you had a pretty good pre-birthday dinner party, those shrimps look good! Enjoy your day. Cheers from me and Nermal!

Tinsie said...

I know what you mean about being too busy eating to photograph the main course, although I wish I could see it :-)

Have a great birthday bash!

Walker said...

Dinner looks great especially the shrimp.

Happy Birthday

Can't wait to hear about the great time you had.

Liz Hinds said...

That must have been some birthday party! Come on! We want to see evidence!

Mountain Mama said...

It's late but Happy Birthday! Mine was the
22nd. We are nearly Birthday Twins.

Your special dinner sounds delicious. How fortunate to have a chef in the family!

I love the puppy!!

sanjeet said...

I herewith invite myself

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