31 January 2010

A Trifle Late but Better Late than Never!

Well, my big birthday bash has come and gone.  Actually the few days after were pretty hectic as well as the day or two beforehand and of course, the Australian Open has been on so I've been really caught up with the tennis over the last week.

Anyway, it was a very hot day and a warm night...hot for those dancing.  The band excelled themselves as usual...I had lots of birthday hugs and wishes from Greg, the guitarist.  Nice.  Actually, I had lots of birthday hugs all night...I like that.

There weren't as many guests as I thought would come but that wasn't a bad thing in the end because I was able to get around and have a really good chat with people.  Actually my timing was really off...it was a long weekend and when I decided on the date about five months ago, I never gave that fact a thought.  Not to worry...those who did come enjoyed themselves.

My brother, Peter, came down from the Sunshine Coast (about two hours away), but he stayed the night.  Fellow bloggers Peter and Warren arrived decked out in Australia Day hats and tattoos, with red, flashing outlines of Australia...a great fashion statement.  At one stage, I saw Warren lurking about in the bushes and wondered what he was up to...I wasn't game to find out.  Turns out he'd dropped his flashing Australia pin and was hunting for it...well, that's his story.

My family arrived first.  Toni and Darryl and Suzie with their respective kids.  Harry was over from New Zealand and I couldn't believe how much he'd grown...he's taller than I am and his voice is breaking...he doesn't sound or look like my Harry any more.

They all found themselves a seat and started having a good time immediately.  There were great gusts of laughter coming from that table.  Someone asked me who the noisy ones were...hey, they were enjoying themselves...especially when trying to throw pistachio shells down Gabbie's strapless top. 

It all went very well but I had a heap of frozen food left over so some of that was eaten on Harry's birthday a couple of days later...but that's another story.

Sorry there aren't too many photos.  I'm amazed I got these.  If I wasn't talking to people, I was dancing...no time to take photos.

Putting a marquee up

Many hands make light work

My eldest daughter, Toni

Suzie and Gabbie with Cheshire cat grins

Brooke's supposed to be smiling, not grimacing

A lovely photo of Cooper with big sister, Stacey.

One of the two reprobates, Warren.  I'm not sure why I didn't get a photo of Peter...I think he might have been hiding or something.  Note the "tattoo" of the Australian flag on Warren's  cheek.


Merle said...

Dear Robyn ~~ At last we hear about the birthday Bash and it sounded good. Looks like some happy faces and all enjoying food, fun and dancing. Glad the band was good, so
another year older my friend. Better
than the alternative.
Take great care my friend, Love, Merle.

rel said...

Happy birthday lady. Hugs and dancing beats picture taking and blogging every time. It's that human touch that supports our spirit!
You do know how to throw a party, that's for sure!

Peter said...

I had just about given up on ever seeing this post Robyn, thought you must have got alcohol poisoning or someting... good post... great night.

Ingrid said...

I saw a picture of you on Peter's blog taken at your birthday and then you disappeared from Blogworld, due to a long lasting hangover ? lol !
Looks as if you had a lot of fun and your guests too ! How nice that you can celebrate outside !

RennyBA's Terella said...

Good to know you had a good time - you deserves it!

I do understand that dancing is much more fun than taking pics, but thanks for sharing the once you took - shows that you all had a good time :-)

Happy week ahead!

Merle said...

Hi again Robyn ~~ I am glad you liked the story of Jasmine the dog.
She was a remarkable dog, and as you say, pity ppl didn't repay kindnesses like she did.Diid you happen to read my post on Sat. 23rd January? I passed an award on to you if you care to do it.
Take good care, Love Merle. HUgs.

Liz Hinds said...

A lovely day with wonderful family and friends. What could be better? Enjoy the next years of your life!

sanjeet said...

You do know how to throw a party, that's for sure!

Work from home India

TorAa said...

it looks like it was a party your style.
If you ask us:
We love your style.

Walker said...

Peter might have been in the bushes.

No time to take pictures, sounds like you had a great time then.
LOts of family and friends, you can't ask for more than that

Ramblins of a middle-aged goddess said...

Hey Happy Birthday!! I hope this 65 thing does not hurt too much!! I don't know why but age never bothers me but this one does!! I guess I just don't feel like 65 already!! You have survived so guess I will too..Thanks for stopping by..

Tamara said...

Happy Belated Birthday!!
I stopped celebrating mine.I decided to cling to 38 years old until I'm actually 80(if I get to 80,that is)
The weather there must be different than here in Texas...going swimming is way out of the question here.
UuGH! I forgot where you live...headed to profile to see.
Yoo-hooo! I looove water volleball!!
Great pix!!

Lifecruiser Travel Blog said...

Happy Birthday x millions! May the rest of your life be filled with happiness and laughter!

*opening a champagne bottle*


Lifecruiser Travel Blog said...

oh and everyone looked like they had a really great time! Yay!

Tinsie said...

Sounds as if you had a great time! Shame it was a long weekend, that would have accounted for a fair few declines, but as you've found out, sometimes less is more :-)

Margaret Cloud said...

Looks like you enjoyed your Birthday Bash, enjoyed the pictures, that pool really looked refreshing.