07 February 2010

Hellooooo! It's me

It was Australia Day a couple of weeks ago and what better way than to spend a hot sultry day than in my daughter and son-in-law's new pool.  It was bliss...

A game of water volley ball in progress.

The sunlight sparkling on the water.

Superfish Cooper.


Ingrid said...

At least it's worthwhile to have a pool where you live ! Here it's rather a "posh" matter, because it's stupid to have an outside pool when you can use it maybe 4 x per year in average.
Rosie is OK again, now she has to put on some weight, she is already such a little cat. I really thought it was the end !

Jack K. said...

That sure looks inviting. We will have to wait until June or July for such fun.

You may have seen my winter photos.

Lee said...

Hi Robyn...I've crawled out of the depths...I think the rain flushed me out! I just discovered I've not done any blogging since August 2008! I could say I'd been whisked away by a tall, dark stranger...but I shan't tell a lie!!! ;)

Lifecruiser Travel Blog said...

Oh, how niiiice that looks!!!! *jumps right in*

Ramblins of a middle-aged goddess said...

Fun to realize that you guys are in summer while we are in winter. We have had a pretty good winter but where I am from Illinois has not!! Snow and lots of it..Glad to be here in the sunshine.
Go to my blog and see our new addition..

Carole Burant said...

Waaaaaaaaa, not fair that you can go swimming but I can't! lol I can't believe how big Cooper is getting, wasn't he just a small baby a week ago?? hehe They do grow up much too fast.

I've just caught up with your birthday post, can't believe I missed that one!! Sounds like you had a wonderful time, even though not as many people came but as you say, it gave you more of a chance to sit down and talk to everyone. I once tried to make a party on a long weekend and ended up canceling it because everyone had plans!!

Take care, my friend. xoxo

Unknown said...

Hurray for Australia Day!!! Hurray for swimming pools!!!!!!

Mountain Mama said...

It looks like they are having a great time! I remember when we had a swimming pool built and how much the kids loved it. I never learned to swim so spent my time watching after five children with two eyes!
Our temps are not bad here right now. It has been in the 50s but today we had a cold wind.
Spring is trying to make an appearance and some early flowers are blooming. I picked a little bouquet of violets and they are delightfully fragrant.

Tinsie said...

Happy belated Australia Day! Looks like everyone had fun :-)

Merle said...

Dear Robyn ~~ The pool sounds great this weather, so glad you had fun.

I was also a little alarmed at the diagnosis of heart problems, but am staying positive and hoping the extra tablet will reduce the swelling and shortness of breath. I am taking things easily until we see signs of reversal. i often say "Only the good die young" but I am not young anymore. Your Mother does well at 90 travelling etc. Good on her.
Take care, my friend, Love, Merle.

Margaret Cloud said...

The pool looks great and what better way to spend a hot day than in the water. Thank you for coming by.

Liz Hinds said...

THat's the life!