16 February 2010

Some pictures from the garden

I dunno about yours, but our plants aren't sure of themselves at the moment.  We've had a lot of rain over the last year so the mango season started in July (extremely early and extremely expensive!) and is just finishing now.  Usually the mango season starts September/October...just goes to show that the trees appreciated the rain.

Likewise, Fred's orchids have decided to flower for the second time this summer.  He has about six orchids with stems of buds on them.  It'll be interesting to see if others follow suit.

Meanwhile here are a few photos I took a little while back.

I'm not sure what this tree is, but see how the flowers grow all along the branch, later they turn into green berries of some sort.

My crepe myrtle.  The dark green spiky leaves belong to a yucca.


 This is a poinciana not quite at its best when I took this.  It was a show of brilliant red a week or so later.  Now the flowers have gone and it has lovely thick foliage.  It's a wonderful tree for kids to climb and hide in...as Scott and his little friend, Sarah, do.  These trees don't grow particularly high, but spread, and some older trees have fabulous shapes.


A close up of the poinciana flowers.  The round "berries" are actually new flower buds.


Jellyhead said...

There's lots of colour in your garden at the moment Robyn .... very pretty.

I loved the Australia day photos, too - very typical Aussie activities there (Aussie Aussie Aussie, oi oi oi!)

Ingrid said...

What a pleasure for my eyes to come here and see some colours !! I start to think that I am color blind as I only see black and white here !

Jack K. said...

Beautiful photos. Just what is needed when the temperature is low and snow is dusting the ground.

Thanks for sharing.

Margaret Cloud said...

Makes me long for Spring, I am tired of this snow. Your flowers are so pretty. Thank you for coming by and leaving a nice comment. Have a good day.

diane b said...

The hot wet February weather always brings lots of weeds to my garden and all the plants shoot up and out.The flowers on the branch are very interesting.

Cindy said...

Lovely colors for us in our drab, white winters!!

Carla said...

Hi, from Texas!! We are still a'wintering here, so no blooms, not much green either, for that matter. Lots of brown tho...
LOVE your blooms, Crepe Myrtle is a much beloved stand by here:)


Those flowers are stunningly beautiful! I am wishing for Spring
here but instead we are getting
snow! Have a great day! :)

Sharon Wagner said...

What a beautiful yard you have!

catsynth said...

We have had a lot of rain, too - and now that it's warming up a lot of our local flowers are coming out as well...

Angelo said...

Great shots Robyn! Our plants are either sleeping or dead hehe... the groundhog said that there will be 6 more weeks of winter so we don't expect to see any lush greenery for quite some time. Enjoy your great weather for me :)

Lee said...

Boy! Rain! It bucketed down yesterday afternoon up this way, and it was as dark as night. The mountain was shrouded in mist for most of the day, all of which gave me a good excuse to continue reading one of the books I extracted from the library on Friday! (As if I need an excuse!)

All the trees and shrubs will be thankful for the rain. Their poor old root systems have been battling against the odds for far too long. The rain has been so welcome to everyone. Even Toowoomba received some yesterday.

Carole Burant said...

Ahhhh, it does these eyes good to see beautiful plants and flowers like these!!! All we see is white when we look outside. lol We won't be seeing any flowers blooming until at least May/June. I've never seen Crepe Myrtle in person, only in pictures but it always seems so gorgeous to me! The Poinciana flowers are also beautiful.

Loved seeing the pool pictures in your previous post. xoxo

Peter said...

A very confused time for plants/trees Robyn, our jacaranda's have lots of lovely green foliage AND some fresh flowers... it must be spring again.

The Chair Speaks said...

My! What lovely colourful flowers you have.

Ellen Whyte said...

It looks great. I am so envious; I have "black thumbs" so being a plant in my house is like being on death row!

Tinsie said...

You've got some interesting plants there! My garden's pretty dead at the moment, but spring is round the corner. I have faith :-)

Walker said...

Beautiful pictures as always.
I love plants and flowers and am looking forward to spring so we get some again to replace all this snow