17 February 2010


Yes, both Jane and I have been caught by speed radars in the last week.  She was doing 71 in a 60 kph zone and I was doing 65 in a 60 zone, going through road work, today.  

I'd met a friend of mine for lunch and on the way home, saw the radar gun pointed at me.  I said a very rude word...funnily enough Jane said the same word.  Wonder if the coppers can lip read...


Jack K. said...

Bet on it.

Hootin Anni said...

This sounds like me....not the lip reading...but the speeding. I do have a lead foot. Especially when someone in front of me pokes along...I pass, get P O'd and put the pedal to the metal!!!

You and me...we rock.

Cindy said...

I'm sure they have lip-read it all!

Ingrid said...

Hehehe ! two oldies taking themselves for Formular 1 drivers !
To make it worth you should have driven at least 100 km/H !

Lee said...

I bet they can, Robyn!!!

Oh! Dear! It's so easy to slip over that point on the dial, isn't it?

Merle said...

Dear Robyn ~~ Like Lee said, it is so easy to creep over the limit. I
am sure they have heard all of those
words before. I loved seeing your flowers in the post below.
I am glad you liked The Yellow Shirt
story and the jokes.
I saw the doctor again today and have had the tablet increased again
so hope it works this time.
Take care, dear friend, Love,Merle.

Peter said...

I reckon they could "mind read" and get the message pretty clearly!!!

Walker said...

Did you flash some skin to get off ;)

Liz Hinds said...

Undoubtedly. They probably get to recognise the same word!

Pam said...

Just popped over from Jelly's. Five acres!!! Isn't that an awful lot of work? Sounds wonderful, though.

You'd be rather rich to own five acres where we are in Scotland.

Pam said...

Of course, maybe you ARE rather rich!

Anonymous said...

I think so. They probably can read lip movements or something like that.

Jeanette said...

Gday Robyn. thanks for your comment . have u had cataract surgery? its been a long haul since August which should have been a few weeks but at last showing improvement..

Those B.... radars are revenue collectors getting the one only just over were are they when the speedsters are out there they seem to cause accident before there caught..
Zs must say I think im one of the lucky ones never been caught but here we seem to know the r. spots
but like all I know i can creep over the limit also..ooooppps Shhh.

Merle said...

Hi again Robyn ~~ Thanks for your
comments and hopefully the extra tablet will help. I am glad you liked the Sparrow in Starbucks and the jokes. Glad I done good!!
Take care, Love, Merle.

Unknown said...

You need to take those lead inserts out of your shoes.

Ellen Whyte said...

Eek! I bet they know that word even if it's whispered a mile away. In Malaysia the police take bribes. They take so many, that some are now wearing buttons saying "Please don't bribe me".

Andree said...

gee! I've managed to never get caught for speeding all these years!! I gotta teach you my tricks, girl!!

Angelo said...

Did you get a ticket for only going over by 5 kph?