We had a very impromptu New Year celebration last night. Jane stuck her head in the door and asked me what I was doing that evening. I replied that I would be sitting on my arse watching Lord of the Rings...The Return of the King which would be showing on TV.
Instead I was invited to join them for a barbecue, which I accepted with alacrity. Prawns, Fred's Kentucky style chicken (but way nicer), potato salad, green salad and I made sinful chocolate muffins which were eaten with ice cream for those who wished to do so. We had a couple of glasses of wine, then Roger, Daniel and Sarah, our neighbour from the back, with the two kids, came over. Soon, we had a fire going in the back paddock and sat out there until midnight. It was a beautiful night...warm and still and no rain!
Midnight came and the kids yahooed, blew party whistles and fireworks (illegal) went off in the surrounding district. Jane and I took off home, I changed my old calendar to a lovely personalised one Nick had sent me from Amsterdam. It had photos of him and Mayo, his little Australian dog and his Dutch dog...even photos of all the family together before he left Australia. Just lovely.
My New Year's resolution is to make no resolutions...makes sense to me.
Below are some photos of our evening...
As a Prelude .....
13 years ago
Happy 2010 Robyn! Sounds like a nice and easy New Year's Eve, complete with bonfire and blue moon... ah very soothing :) especially after the ordeal we went through in Times Square...
BTW, try editing the post HTML, those two underlined lines are linked to a picture of your arm with glow in the dark bracelets? hehe.... just get rid of the codes that are bracketing the line you don't want underlined....
hope you enjoyed the first day of the year!
Wonderful post!!!!
That Kayla is just too darling.
And your New Year's Eve feast sounds scrumptious. Got any leftovers?
Happy 2010 to you!!!
Happy New Year Robyn, It looks like you all had a perfect party with which to greet a new yeaar.
I was on call, D., came over to spend the night with me in the motel. I went to bed at 8:30pm and D., shortly thereafter joined me. I awoke at 12:05 AM and wished D., a Happy New Year. She reciprocated and we fell back asleep.
That's what I would call a very nice Christmas celebration ! and then sitting outside ! I saw the firework of Sidney on TV here at noon, and a real one in Brussels which was wonderful this year but before I went with Ilona a little gambling in the Casino and watching people, that was funny !! Mr. G prefered the TV and the company of the cats.
A bbq with friend under a full moon.
Thats the best way to start the new year.
Frodo can get his own moon
Sounds as if you've welcomed the new year in style! Hope it's a good one, full of love and health and happiness! All the best xxx
Happy New Year! Sounds like you had a great evening. I never make it till midnight, but my son & hubby did.
What'd the cats do?
Dear Robyn ~~ Glad you had a great New Year's Eve with your friends and
neighbors. I didn't go out, but stayed up to watch the fireworks.
Last night we had VERY strong winds and the top of my gazebo blew off.
It has a few holes to be mended,
darn it. More expense. Good start to
2010. I hope you have a really great 2010 my friend. Love and Hugs, Merle.
Looks like you had a blast and I'm happy for you!
Wishing you a great 2010 and I know it will be sensational as we finally will have a chance to meet up :-)
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