My daughter called in yesterday because I had told her the day before I needed some eggs. So she brought the eggs...and an early Christmas present, this tiny scrap of kitten, plus all the extras that go with having a cat...dirt box, cat litter, toys and enough food for a month. I had just finished work, closed down and was going to go to the vege barn (and call in to the produce store...just to have a look only) and then go on to my daughter's place to collect the eggs. Just as I was getting my bag, I heard her 4WD pull up with Cooper and kitten.
So, there you go, I now have another cat and as soon as she settles down and is not so timid, I can join Cats on Tuesday again with stories of Mitzi.
Awwwe-Geee Mother and kitten are both well!!!!!!!
Robyn, I knew it I knew it!! I just knew that a new kitten was in your near future!! What a darling name. I love to name animals with people names. i have Annie still and she is very loveable. I hope that Mitzi turns out to be sweet too. She is so cute!! I read your post to my hubby and told him I knew this would happen. Robyn, i cannot remember your cat that you lost...what was his name? I know I will know immediately when i hear but cannot think. I so hated it when you lost him. So sad.
Youpeeeeeee !! I jump to the ceiling !!! What a beautiful kitten ! I am sure your heart melted already like icecream in the sun ! Your daughter is a great girl, she knew what you need ! She did right !! and a little female is much quiter then a male and more affectionated too. I am soooo curious to see how she will settle in !! Congratulations !!!
BTW I forgot I had a little Mitzi for 9 years but she got sick and I had to put her asleep. She was such a cute cat a little like Rosie.
I just had to pop in to see little Mitzi, Robyn. I felt sure you'd have a picture of her up on your blog. What a lovely little girl she is...she doesn't yet know just how lucky she is to have a new home with you. :)
Another addition to the menagerie. Why am I not surprised Robyn? I hope you and Mitzi will be so happy together. She is a little cutie, thats for sure.
Mitzi is very entertaining and cute!
have a merry one and a happy 2008 yourself!
Awwwww, what a cut little cat - so lovely to see - thanks for sharing!
Wishing you a wonderful Yuletide and a Happy New Year!
RennyBA's Terella
How was the first day with little Mitzi ?? I hope you find some time to present her for COT ! Tomorrow we will leave for Amsterdam only 250 km away and come back the next day evening.
Mitzi is adorable! :) What a cutie. :) I am so glad you have a cat back in your life - nothing can compare to the love of a cat. :)
We have a new arrival at our place too - my little brother has arrived!
Now your Christmas is complete! ;)
She's a cutie.
Oh she has the sweetest face. I wouldn't have been able to resist her either.
So will your daughter 'kitty-sit' for you when you want to travel?
Does kitty have a name yet. Maybe Chrisy or Holly,or maybe Mistletoe... (smile)
Happy Christmas.
Aw that's a cute little hurricane in the making.
Merry Christmas to you and yours :)
Merry Christmas ! Before I just published COT because I am leaving now for Amsterdam. But tomorrow night I will be back !
She is really really cute (yet again!!)
Mitzi's gorgeous! And you did need a new one! Daughter was wise.
Have a wonderful Christmas and see you in the New year.
Liz xx
Welcome to little Mitzi:-) I was wondering how long it would take you to get another cat! hehe She is just precious!! May the joy that comes with Christmas Day remain with you throughout the year!! Merry Christmas dear friend. xoxo
Have a Joy-filled & Merry Christmas, Robyn!
May peace and plenty be the first to lift the latch on your door, and happiness be guided to your home by the candle of Christmas. (A Celtic Blessing)
(Remember: at midnight Christmas Eve all animals can speak—or so Alex the cat told me at midnight).
Hey it's all over!
Hope you had a great one... all the best for 2008 now!!
Mitzi! Great name! Oh my god she is beautiful and adorable and wonderful and perfect. Congratulations!
Nice to meet ya Mitzi! Can't wait to hear of your adventures. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year Robyn and Mitzi.
Dear Robyn ~~ I just knew you would
get that kitten and she is so pretty.
I hope you and Mitzi will be very happy and have a great New Year. I hope you soon get your computer back and get back to us. Gives you time to get acquainted. Thanks for your kind words (last year) about my blog. I have just had my second anniversary and have met some lovely friends, like yourself. Thanks for being my friend, Robyn. Take care, Much love, Merle.
Aaaah! The purrr-fect Christmas present!
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