03 February 2008


This says it all...click to enlarge and take note of the distances between places in the top right hand corner.


Unknown said...

Wow! I’ve saved the map. Thanks for posting it.

Ingrid said...

I have to pay attention that a fly doesn't get into my mouth because it's still open ! I never realized that Australia was THAT big that all European countries could fit in there ! That's a VERY interesting map ! I saved it too and will send it to my son, who visited Australia 4 years ago !

Peter said...

That puts the world into perspective doesn't it.

Andree said...

oh wow. I had no idea! I'd love to see the US and Australia compared, too, to give me even more understanding.

Anonymous said...

A very good way to show how big and long and wide Australia actually is. I mean we are talking about 4 time zone (the same as USA) and I remember from my last visit: It took some time to fly from Perth to Sidney!

Btw: I really like your new template - congrats!

Wishing you a great week ahead :-)

Anonymous said...

haha, that really does put things in perspective...

Canada and Australia really have so much in common. We're just at opposite ends of the climate spectrum. I'm gonna try and fit Europe in the Canadian map too hehe...

Mountain Mama said...

I wouldn't have guessed the distances were so great. I learned something today!
Your cat sure wantd to play. The pictures are so cute.
I am trying to figure out what Maltesers and Tiramisu are.

Anonymous said...

Goodness! I never realised... or should I say.. never stopped to think about it.

I adore your 'Mitzy'... my 'Floyd' likes to sit on my printer and eat all the paper coming out.. lol

Carole Burant said...

I hope you're happy...I've just spent 10 minutes playing with that black cat on your sidebar!!! lol Too cute!

Wow, that map certainly does put into perspective just how huge Australia is...so I guess it's not just a "hop and a skip" to many of the places! lol

I so loved the pictures of Mitzi attacking your keyboard! lol She must be bringing so much fun to your life...if only they could stay that age:-) xoxo

Walker said...

Yup that's us to without the gazillion people

Meow (aka Connie) said...

I have that very same postcard ... isn't it amazing.

Liz Hinds said...

Wow! That's amazing.