18 April 2010

A Quick Catch Up

Ken's home from hospital, looking slightly the worse for wear after a week there.  His nasty kidney infection is better but he's not too impressed because he's been told to modify his lifestyle.  Eat better food (he has a terribly sweet tooth and loves pies and pasties, too), lose weight and exercise more.  Smirk...

He's a big man, by that I mean tall...6 ft 5 in but he has put on too much weight over the last year and is complaining about a sore hip.  I bluntly told him a few weeks ago to lose weight, and he looked a little sheepish.  However, I think they probably got stuck into him at the hospital, because he is making a concerted effort to eat better.  I told him that when he gets his strength back properly, I'll walk with him...just around the property at first and then gradually increase it.  He agreed to that...I even offered to hold his hand!

* * * * * * * * *
Regarding the webcam.  A couple of people (my brother amongst them), told me about Skype.  So I've signed on to that...apparently that's the most popular app for webcamming.  My problem is to remember to log in to Skype so people can see I'm online...
Okay, not much news at the moment.  I'm still alive, for which I'm supremely thankful, as I don't much like the alternative...


Merle said...

G'Day Robyn ~~ I am so glad that Ken is home and better. The walking will do you both good. Everyone seemed to like the attorney bloopers - they were good.
My leg is a little better, thanks for your concern. I had a full body scan last Thursday and it showed I have a hairline stress fracture of the pelvis. And Bursitis in my right hip. That is what causes the pain
i think. Isee Dr. tomorrow, Specialists on Tuesday and Friday
so I sure hope that is the end of it all. New tabs seem to be helping
but make me feel sleepy and very strange. I am so sick of myself.
Also wondering what complaint is gonna get me !!!Take care, Robyn
Love, Merle.

Peter said...

Exercise and diet aren't all they are cracked up to be, signed Fatty!!!!

Gattina said...

That's nice that you will walk Ken, that safes him from walking a dog, lol !
I use Skype since I started with a computer. At that time you only could talk to people when they were at their computers. Now I can dial the telephone n° and it is so cheap ! That's good for calling friends who don't have a computer or can't use it and who live very far away. When I was in Egypt I called Mr. G. and I spent maybe 1 € in total for at least an hour or more. They give you the price list. It's so easy to download.

Liz Hinds said...

I'm glad Ken is home and getting better.

Maribeth said...

Hi! I am over from Gattina's Blog.
My Hubby too, has put on a few pounds. But he stays active in our garden, so I am working to get him to eat better, as he also has type 2 diabetes. My hubby is also a tall one. 6 feet four inches!

Lee said...

I'm glad to hear that Ken is back home again, Robyn. Stay on his case!!! Tell him I know what a bad hip is all about and I wouldn't wish it on anyone! My right hip gives me grief all the time.

Skype is a good way to catch up with friends...at no costs...certainly saves telephone bills! Have fun with it.

Take care. Hugs!

TorAa said...

It's good to hear hubby is back from Hospital.
And remember to hide away all sweets and pies;)

I'm not on Skype - think I need a better line first. But, have fun with your web-cam

Margaret Cloud said...

Glad to hear Ken is a little better. I know from a fact that extra weight on the body does not help any health issue. I am saying a prayer for Ken and asking to give him will power to help himself.

RennyBA's Terella said...

Good to know at least he is home and you're treating him so nicely! Hope he get well sooooooon!

See you on Skype, my ID is of course RennyBA :-)

Mountain Mama said...

Sorry to hear he was sick. I hope he stays well now.
I used to take long walks when I had a big dog to protect me. Now with tow little Yorkies I don't go very far but I always feel better when I am walking a few times a week.
Now dieting is a whole different issue.

Anonymous said...

Hello Robyn! It's good to know that Ken is back home and doing well. Exercise is a really good investment for one's health! Have a nice weekend to you guys!

Walker said...

Hmm holding hands eh.

I use msn for my web cam but i have heard skype is good